Monday, 3 December 2012

Choosing a Christmas Tree

Well it's December now, so the "hold back Christmas until Christmas" campaign has accepted defeat for another year.  I am a signed up member of this defeated cause. Once, decades ago now, we ordered a Christmas tree from a supposedly reputable greengrocer to be held back until Christmas Eve. We got the last reject from his supply.  That was when I recognised the futulity of the cause. Now, 3rd December, Christmas panic is well advanced in the high street (or "shopping malls") stoked up nicely by TV, media and cyberspace. Today, after all is Cyber Monday the busiest internet buying day of the year.   Decorations have already been furled around offices and homes all over town along with the chocolate advent calenders. Will we have the liquor ones again this year???  The shops are already one month into Christmas with their decor. Don't get me wrong.  I love Christmas. I just don't like having it spoilt at the end of November rather than the end of December!  And as for the mass carnage (or should that be abourage?) of pine trees - it cuts against the grain for any grower or appreciator of plants.

So to escape from the hubub I enjoy taking the  dog for a walk and admiring some trees in a more naturalistic setting.   These could all be Christmas trees:

Monkey Puzzle

Douglas Fir?


Holly - and there's Toby in the corner


Scots Pine

We are lucky to have a wide variety on our doorstep, courtesy of the owners of Craig House a century ago. As a post script the current owners of Craig House - Napier University are negotiating a sale of the site to property developers who want a return.  This involves 89 new homes in addition to the redevelopment of the existing buildings. Add 300 car parking spaces and there won't be so much room for trees, you can bet.

Hell: and I wanted to end on an upbeat note!

Just off now to place those online Christmas orders.


  1. I totally agree with you. When I was a child we put the tree up on Christmas Eve. Even people who had theirs up a week before were considered to have jumped the gun a bit. Once the decorations and tree have been up for a month you don't even notice them any more, they're at their most 'Christmassy' for the first few days only.

  2. Traditionally the 12 days of Christmas do start on Christmas eve and this should be when the tree goes up along with all the other decorations. I have done this a few times but it makes it a hard day just before a busy full on day so tend to put them up a week earlier now and take them down just after new year so I guess we still go for about 12 days. I do like to see the decorations up...but at the same times it's nice to see my lounge looking normal again after the fact!

    Fingers crossed the University have a change of heart and go for nostalgia rather than money...fat chance!
    We don't have a real tree as I can't be doing with the needles but I do love to see the real trees, it's just a shame you have to cut them down in order to decorate them....artificial is definitely the way to go for the environment.
