Thursday 24 August 2017

Goodbye Grass - Going Wild

So, you have a central lawn with borders all around. What are you going to do?   Create a new bed and fill it with weeds!

Here's the new bed...

...and here's the weeds:

That is to say we have devoted a portion of our garden to meadow flowers so as to encourage bees butterflies and other pollinators.

Here's the reverse view:

It has taken a while but there is now a riot of insect activity where previously we had a uniformly green lawn.

Any regrets?  None at all.

Go Wild


  1. Did you sow seeds or plant plugs?

  2. Love the round bed, much more interesting than a lawn!

    1. The bees think it is more interesting too!

  3. I am loving this Mal...and so will the insects...your bird bath looks a little wonky though???
    Tip for the bird bath....put some pebbles in the bottom, this way the insects can get a much needed drink without drowning themselves!!

    1. Thanks for the tip, Tany. The bird bath used to be anchored down but I have had to clean it out so frequently that I don't bother any more. (The pigeons seem to think it is a toilet bowl). The pond is nearby in a secluded spot and that attracts insects too.
