Monday, 12 May 2014

Alliums to Attention

Woopee: I've weeded the alliums and they're looking pretty good at this stage: 

From another angle you can see garlic in the foreground and onions at the back.  All planted last October.
Also along the right I've weeded out a row of parsnip.  Direct sown in February. (I've sworn never to transplant parsnip ever again after last year's debacle)

One reason for growing a lot of garlic (aside from eating a lot) is to have enough over to make a garlic spray to deter slugs.  Martyn is already running tests: here

Footnote: Blogger doesn't like the word alliums which comes up as a spelling error every time.  Urghk!


  1. Isn't it ironic that you have to grow one crop to protect another crop?!

    1. Irony - that's a valuable trace element for gardeners!

  2. All our alliums are much better than last year

  3. Still waiting for our parsnips to germinate. Might have to re sow.

    1. Same with the turnip rooted chervil for me - but I have no seed in reserve. I'll sow more parsnips instead. The scorzonera and burdock have germinated though.
