Monday, 7 April 2014

Bridging the Hungry Gap

... or clearing the decks?  

This weekend at one end of the plot I picked our first new season rhubarb and weeded the allium patch.  At the other end I picked the last of our leeks
Musselburgh Leeks
Dug up the last swedes, picked kale and spinach

Last of the leeks with PSB behind

and Purple Sprouting Broccoli.  I was sure this was an "early" variety, but it has only started producing sprouts a few weeks ago, lots of them.

Purple Sprouting Broccoli

As you can see I've still got netting over them.  Just as well as the pigeons have been stripping anything uncovered.  Despite lasting the whole winter the new growth on the leaf beet  has been eaten back to the ribs before they were picked.  The spinach has fared better but brassicas are the pigeons favourite.

It'll soon be sowing time.


  1. The little PSB i have left is just starting to flower so needs to be pulled. My Kale is also starting to flower so unforunately there is no 'bridging the gap' for me this year.....Can't wait to be harvesting again!!

  2. We have leeks to harvest too even though this years seeds have been sown.
