Monday 31 January 2022

Garden Bird Count

Despite the recent daily appearance of siskins to add to the charming goldfinches only one goldfinch turned up in the allocated hour for the  Great British Garden Birdwatch.  The explanation is that Storm Malik visited Edinburgh on Saturday night and I did the watch on Sunday.  But later in the day I spotted another possible reason: the sparrowhawk which is nearly as big as the sunflower seed feeder it is staking out. If this has been hanging around for the last few days it will have scared off the regulars!

 Aside from the one goldfinch  I did see 2 bullfinches, robins, blackbirds, coal tits, Jackdaws, pigeons, solitary great tit, wood pigeon, magpie and 8 house sparrows.


  1. We were low on numbers too, although we missed the official count. The gales definitely seemed to play a part.
