Tuesday 11 June 2024

Biblical Beans


Forget the Holy Trinity planting scheme (Sweetcorn/Climbing Beans/Squash) I'm going for the 4 Apostles - hopefully not the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

For the record the 4 wigwams are Greek Soup Giant Beans, Cherokee Trail of Tears, Barlotti Tongues of Fire and a mixture of Runner beans (Scarlet Emperor, White Lady, Painted Lady) 

Sunday 9 June 2024

New Arrivals at Craiglockhart Pond


That is definitely five cygnets. One week old. Mum and Dad very attentive.  

Friday 29 March 2024

Hot X Buntime


Easter is upon us and my shed building project is soaking up all my gardening time.  This is the current state of play. I have sown two rows of carrots and one of parsnips. Also a row of asparagus. It will be potatoes next.

My shorter term project is to bake HXB.  

Saturday 24 February 2024

Something Spotted

 This is the earliest I can recall seeing one of these on the loose! (20/02/24)  Given that we had a frost last night it may be regretting it's early emergence.

Monday 19 February 2024

A productive little corner

Starting the plot tidyup, right in the corner is a clump of Jerusalem Artichoke ready for harvesting. 

The soup lived up to its reputation. Sweet tasting, and active on the lower gut.

 Next door the rhubarb won't be long to first harvest.

Thursday 15 February 2024

All Time Low

This is definitely one for the record. 

 Whether you take the view from one end ...

...or the other

The plot is looking very barren just now.  But I need this for comparison purposes later in the year.

The fruit cage has the nets removed to guard against snow damage

and last year's pumpkin and bean patch is looking particularly sad.

On the plus side there is not much weed growth yet!  Time for a mulch and a fabric mulch!

Also there are some brassicas still hanging on.  The Purple sprouting broccoli will be another month until it gets into production mode!

Back home the marmalade making has been completed for another year!

Friday 19 January 2024

Watch The Birdie


We love our birds and keep them in food all the year around.  Right now the goldfinches are away, but the blackbirds have returned to their winter quarters.  Because the normally reliable crab apple crop was so poor this year we have supplemented their supply with apples and more recently pears (which they love!).  The sparrows have been muted in the cold snap but there are always pigeons, jackdaws and magpies who swing by to mop up the day's supply.  Another bird that has got wise to the congregation js this sparrowhawk.  Just the other day a pigeon was taken and dismembered in our garden leaving feathers al over the place.  Nature in claw and beak!