Tuesday 5 May 2020

Plants on Lockdown

Peppers, tomatoes, courgettes, cucumbers and squash.

The greenhouse plants are growing on ...

More tomatoes, peppers, squash

...and I would dearly like to move them on...

Flowers seedlings, basil and celeriac (top right)

..but this weekend we are threatened with the possibility of a frost....

Flower seedlings and veg too

...so I am having to improvise with the overspill...

Mostly Hardy perennials 

... and bring some indoors for the night.

Flowers Lobelia, Cerastium, Lobelia, Tagetes

Once the seedlings move on I will have room to set out the tomatoes peppers and cucumbers in the vacated space.

At least I held off sowing the sweetcorn until now!


  1. What a lot of work you have ahead of you! And frost coming?!?! Eek! My dad who raised vegetables (called then a truck farm) after he retired never planted sweetcorn until mid-May and this was in sunny California!

  2. A bit like outdoor tomatoes sweetcorn in Scotland is a matter of taking up a challenge. The logic is that you have to start early as the season is so short, but then again if it is a bad year (like last year) you don't have a hope of success. There is a reason why Scotland is famous for tatties and neeps, and raspberries, but life would be boring without challenges.

  3. The frost will time it just right to hit the first potatoes and strawberry flowers.

    1. I will be mounding the spuds before the weekend.

  4. Weekend is probably too late. Temperature down to 0.0°C here this morning (Wednesday). Hope not too many of our potatoes were through. Planning a visit today. Fingers crossed!

  5. Ooh, all those lovely plants just waiting, waiting..!
