Tuesday 27 April 2021

Fields of Dreams

 The 2020 wildflower meadow has morphed into the 2121 wildflower meadow by the timely amendment and reinstatement of the sign.  The perimeter rope has also been reinstated.  (Two of the four reinstated metal stakes went missing so we are down to a single strand of garden twine stretched between two stakes.  It suffices as a mere suggestion to the council grass cutters of the agreed status of this corner of the park)

The dandelions are currently having their moment. Once they go to seed the seed issue will arise.  Already I am planning a cull of docks.  These dominated the patch before we set it up and are well represented throughout the neighbouring area (as are buttercups).

Back within the bounds of the school garden the nursery class are taking on the "grow your own loaf" challenge.  Here is the designated 'wheat field'

The canes are there temporarily to demarcate a sowing zone for each child.  A net will be deployed once the ears develope.  Those crows will be thwarted this year .

My final field dream come true is captured below. The 'wee bird' on the side of the path is a skylark.

So often heard, but only seen flying, never on the ground.  This encounter was like a dream.


  1. Good luck with the wheat. It will be an interesting project - now you need to grow your yeast too :-)

    The skylark was an exciting spot/

    1. Do you know I just might be tempted to take the sourdough route, even though it might not impress nursery aged children! (Their teacher is baking bread next week - 'while the idea is still fresh in their minds', so it is commercial yeast for speed and reliabiliy)

  2. Buttercups are such a sunny looking plant, but they do like to take over. I’ve never (knowingly) heard a skylark, great that you saw and managed to photograph that one!

    1. Them buttercups is dandelions, making their takeover bid!

    2. Haha, oh dear. I should have zoomed in more, or put my specs on!

    3. It was deceptive as they hadn't opened properly when I took the longshot of them.
      They also raise the prickly issue of how far do you manage your wildlife meadow. Creeping buttercup is a complete no no with me, as are docks which get uprooted. But dandelions are a good source of nectar at a lean time. I plan to deadhead them as soon as the first clocks appear🤔
