Saturday 1 August 2020

The Changing of the Season

Pea Kelvedon Wonder and Bean Dior

Now the first beans are cropping it is time to clear away the broad beans and early peas.  But not to worry, the replacements are ready to go out into the vacant space:

Lettuce, Endive/Chicory
  I have got a bit carried away with my seed order experimenting with endive and chicory, as well as a wide range of lettuces. Hopefully this will mean a harvest extending into the colder months ahead. Here they are in the gap site.  There are four of each variety which I have been careful to mark with a label.  The lettuces are Marveille de Quatre Saisons, Lollo Rosso, Freckles and Gilaad. The endives are all called Cornet de (Insert Name of French/Italian Town) except Pancalieri which is a curly form of endive commonly called Frisee Lettuce. 

Away from the Chicory/Endive/Lettuce confusion the bean and cucurbit  zone is going hell for leather, except for those Climbing French  and Runner Beans on the left which are being a bit coy. (The wigwam on the right is Barlotti beans)

Right in front is the row of  Dior dwarf French beans which you can see in the first picture .  I may have overcrowded the squashes which are now running rampant across their neighbours. A random sunflower has popped up in the middle of the picture.  As you can see it is all green currently.  This includes the potato patch which will soon be 'on the turn'.

Those yellowing in the foreground are some Charlotte I planted as an afterthought once the maincrop was already in.

A change of season is afoot.


  1. Love the Kelvedon peas and Dior beans, are Dior beans very moody/sensitive? I wanted to order them, but I wasn't too sure they would survive our temperature jumps so I bought Berggold instead. They are always good no matter how cold or warm it gets.

    1. Dior is a repeat order as it has performed well for a couple of years. The more you pick the faster they come. Berggold sounds very similar indeed but at least one supplier lists both. Berggold are earlier. Being yellow at least you don't miss them.

    2. All the beans usually ripe at the same time here, no matter how early or late they are so I'll probably try Dior next year. And you're right about the color. I made a stupid mistake of buying Topcrop beans again this year. It's a real pain in the backside to harvest. I always say never again and I end up buying them again.

  2. Your beans are doing better than ours. As for broad beans - let's not go there.

  3. this has been a topsy turvy year. Nevermind, Leeds are back in the Premiership!

    1. As you say topsy turvy but will Leeds godown again next year? We only followed during the Billy Bremner era when footballers played for their club and not for huge salaries.
