Saturday 1 June 2019

Meet the Gang

Here's the motley crew that are just waiting to be set out in the greenhouse.  They are in the green room (shed) while the greenhouse is set up for the summer season:

Much less cluttered now that the seedlings have been evicted:

We have had so much rain in the last week that watering has not been an issue even for new sowings and plantings at the allotment (of which more to follow).  It is warm enough for even tender plants to survive outdoors so I have been moving everything along apace.


  1. We've had to water and succumb to using a hosepipe rather than a can. My arm hasn't fully recovered from lugging cans about last year

    1. Sometimes it is sensible to succumb. In contrast I am relieved to have a working rainfall capture system at the school garden now as it avoids having to run a 50m hose across two fences to fill a butt up!

  2. Still no rain here Mal. We've loads of seedlings like yours almost ready for planting out. Our tomatoes got planted out in the greenhouse last week and we've got some spare to plant outside over the next week or so.

    1. 14.6mm on Thursday alone. I set up a rain gauge in the school garden a week ago and it has rained some every day since!
