Sunday 21 April 2019

Basil Three Ways

First, of course, is seed sowing.  Then there is the water sprouted cutting:

Last there is is real cheat:  taking pot of fresh herbs and potting them on (all be it 3 months after the Best Before Date):

All started off  (sown/potted up) today, let's see how they get on.


  1. Did it really have a best before date on it? Big laugh. I tried that and a water rooted cutting from the same plant. No luck. All wilted and very insipid to the taste. Must go to the nursery and get something grown outside in the sun.

    1. Yes although strictly speaking it is a display until date. I am sure my results will accord with yours.

  2. I have a pot of coriander bought from the supermarket growing in our porch.

    1. The big thing for me is how to stop coriander running to seed. (Best answer so far - don't sow it until the height of summer so that it grows as the days get cooler.)
