Sunday 14 December 2014

Kabocha - Crunch Time

It's a few weeks since harvesting 3 Kabocha fruit. This is the first year I have grown this.
These winter squash are very popular in Japan, so much so that they are called Japanese Squash in other countries.

I was relieved to see the flesh was firm and nice and orange...

After scooping out the centre ...

there were plenty of seeds to save for next year.

I sliced and diced one half before freezing. One quarter is in the fridge and the remaining quarter was sliced and roasted for half an hour to go with a roast chicken tonight.  It was really sweet and wonderful. I would say it outdoes butternut squash and would make great soup too.  So there'll be no problem using the other two!


  1. How hard is it to break into? We could do with an axe for our Crown Prince.

    1. The stalk came off this one when I picked it up and it was soft underneath - which is what prompted me to open it up! So it was an easy point of entry. But nothing can compete with the fig leaf gourd which has a skin like titanium!

  2. Chalk that up as a success, then!

    1. Yes - and if I get any of the saved seed to grow in 2015 I'll grow some every year!

  3. Yum. I wish I could grow them, but the vine borers would take them down fast here.

    1. Daphne, the pests haven't realised anyone is growing these in Scotland.
      - It's only a matter of time though.
