I came across this picture while sifting through my old photographs today. It tells a story of youth and enthusiasm - and it was taken in 1993. That was two years after we were allocated our allotment - the first flush of enthusiasm. Since then our four children have grown up and while they still appreciate good fresh veg, the level of participation dropped off rapidly. My wife got a job which was all consuming, so when I started my blog in 2003 it was called "Mal's Allotment".
Showing didn't last long as I fell out with the allotment association organisers (FEDAGA ) after they proposed a voluntary hike in allotment rents from £40 to £100. (There has been regime change since, but only after the Council proposed tripling the annual rent from £100 to £300 at a stroke.) We grow for eating rather than showing anyway and with two working parents productivity and keeping ahead of the weeds took precedence over the niceties. Now retired we could contemplate showing again, but the pandemic has put paid to that. There has been no show for three years now.
The reward I get from the allotment has not diminished at all. Every year is a new challenge. Can the successes be repeated, can last years disasters be turned around. The craving for novelty is stoked up in TV and radio programmes, blogs and seed catalogues - as well as by competitive neighbours. I like to set annual goals like: Can we be self sufficient in carrots, garlic, potatoes.. etc. Can I grow a decent celeriac (No) Celery (No) Fennel (Yes) Asparagus (the jury is out). You are pitting your wits against nature, weather as well as weeds, every year. And every year is different. So I can manage without the show.