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15th June .....to a quiver of arrowheads. |
It has been dry for several weeks but now, with three days of intermittent rain, lots of plants will be putting on a spurt of growth.
Allotments are anomalous. Neither country nor town but a bit of both. Some of the most dramatic displays are accidental.
These flowers are probably scorzonera (Scorzonera hispanica) in its second year, although "World flora" thinks rough hawksbeard (Crepis bienis) is more likely.
They are also a halfwayhouse for plants that wouldn't fit into a small town garden but can be given room here. Lysmaachia punctata, Large loosestrife can be a bit of a bully in an ornamental border, but has found a place on the bank of the burn where it can outcompete the geraniums and nettles. Did it get here as a garden escapee or was it given a helping hand?
The garden is just buzzing today. Some bees have latched onto the new Buddleja globosa as if they are trying to eat them like marshmallows
A surprise to me was the attraction of the Stachys byzantina for this bee.
There is some white too with the cow parsley
The oxeye daisies, red campion and sorrel deserve a mention too.
Broad beans flowering, runner beans planted, salads setting off.